
The ScrapinghubClient is a new Python client for communicating with the Scrapinghub API. It takes best from Connection and HubstorageClient, and combines it under single interface.

First, you instantiate new client:

>>> from scrapinghub import ScrapinghubClient
>>> client = ScrapinghubClient('APIKEY')
>>> client
<scrapinghub.client.ScrapinghubClient at 0x1047af2e8>

Client instance has projects field for access to client projects.


You can list the Projects available to your account:

>>> client.projects.list()
[123, 456]

Or check the projects summary:

>>> client.projects.summary()
[{'finished': 674,
  'has_capacity': True,
  'pending': 0,
  'project': 123,
  'running': 1},
 {'finished': 33079,
  'has_capacity': True,
  'pending': 0,
  'project': 456,
  'running': 2}]

And select a particular project to work with:

>>> project = client.get_project(123)
>>> project
<scrapinghub.client.Project at 0x106cdd6a0>
>>> project.key


The above is a shortcut for client.projects.get(123).


Project instance has jobs field to work with the project jobs.

Jobs instance is described well in Jobs section below.

For example, to schedule a spider run (it returns a Job object):

>>> project.jobs.run('spider1', job_args={'arg1': 'val1'})
<scrapinghub.client.Job at 0x106ee12e8>>


Spiders collection is accessible via Spiders.

To get the list of spiders of the project:

>>> project.spiders.list()
  {'id': 'spider1', 'tags': [], 'type': 'manual', 'version': '123'},
  {'id': 'spider2', 'tags': [], 'type': 'manual', 'version': '123'}

To select a particular spider to work with:

>>> spider = project.spiders.get('spider2')
>>> spider
<scrapinghub.client.Spider at 0x106ee3748>
>>> spider.key
>>> spider.name


Like project instance, Spider instance has jobs field to work with the spider’s jobs.

To schedule a spider run:

>>> spider.jobs.run(job_args={'arg1': 'val1'})
<scrapinghub.client.Job at 0x106ee12e8>>

Note that you don’t need to specify spider name explicitly.


Jobs collection is available on project/spider level.


To select a specific job for a project:

>>> job = project.jobs.get('123/1/2')
>>> job.key

Also there’s a shortcut to get same job with client instance:

>>> job = client.get_job('123/1/2')


Use run method to run a new job for project/spider:

>>> job = spider.jobs.run()

Scheduling logic supports different options, like

  • job_args to provide arguments for the job
  • units to specify amount of units to run the job
  • job_settings to pass additional settings for the job
  • priority to set higher/lower priority of the job
  • add_tag to create a job with a set of initial tags
  • meta to pass additional custom metadata

For example, to run a new job for a given spider with custom params:

>>> job = spider.jobs.run(units=2, job_settings={'SETTING': 'VALUE'}, priority=1,
...                       add_tag=['tagA','tagB'], meta={'custom-data': 'val1'})

Note that if you run a job on project level, spider name is required:

>>> job = project.jobs.run('spider1')


It’s also possible to count jobs for a given project/spider:

>>> spider.jobs.count()

Count logic supports different filters, as described for count endpoint.


To iterate through the spider jobs (descending order):

>>> jobs_summary = spider.jobs.iter()
>>> [j['key'] for j in jobs_summary]
['123/1/3', '123/1/2', '123/1/1']

jobs_summary is an iterator and, when iterated, returns an iterable of dict objects, so you typically use it like this:

>>> for job in jobs_summary:
...     # do something with job data

Or, if you just want to get the job ids:

>>> [x['key'] for x in jobs_summary]
['123/1/3', '123/1/2', '123/1/1']

Job summary fieldset from iter() is less detailed than job.metadata, but contains few new fields as well. Additional fields can be requested using the jobmeta parameter. If it used, then it’s up to the user to list all the required fields, so only few default fields would be added except requested ones:

>>> job_summary = next(project.jobs.iter())
>>> job_summary.get('spider', 'missing')
>>> jobs_summary = project.jobs.iter(jobmeta=['scheduled_by'])
>>> job_summary = next(jobs_summary)
>>> job_summary.get('scheduled_by', 'missing')
>>> job_summary.get('spider', 'missing')

By default jobs.iter() returns maximum last 1000 results. Pagination is available using the start parameter:

>>> jobs_summary = spider.jobs.iter(start=1000)

There are several filters like spider, state, has_tag, lacks_tag, startts and endts (check list endpoint for more details).

To get jobs filtered by tags:

>>> jobs_summary = project.jobs.iter(has_tag=['new', 'verified'], lacks_tag='obsolete')

List of tags in has_tag has OR power, so in the case above jobs with new or verified tag are expected (while list of tags in lacks_tag has AND power).

To get certain number of last finished jobs per some spider:

>>> jobs_summary = project.jobs.iter(spider='foo', state='finished', count=3)

There are 4 possible job states, which can be used as values for filtering by state:

  • pending
  • running
  • finished
  • deleted

Dictionary entries returned by iter method contain some additional meta, but can be easily converted to Job instances with:

>>> [Job(client, x['key']) for x in jobs]
  <scrapinghub.client.Job at 0x106e2cc18>,
  <scrapinghub.client.Job at 0x106e260b8>,
  <scrapinghub.client.Job at 0x106e26a20>,


To check jobs summary:

>>> spider.jobs.summary()
[{'count': 0, 'name': 'pending', 'summary': []},
 {'count': 0, 'name': 'running', 'summary': []},
 {'count': 5,
  'name': 'finished',
  'summary': [...]}

It’s also possible to get last jobs summary (for each spider):

>>> list(sp.jobs.iter_last())
[{'close_reason': 'success',
  'elapsed': 3062444,
  'errors': 1,
  'finished_time': 1482911633089,
  'key': '123/1/3',
  'logs': 8,
  'pending_time': 1482911596566,
  'running_time': 1482911598909,
  'spider': 'spider1',
  'state': 'finished',
  'ts': 1482911615830,
  'version': 'some-version'}]

Note that there can be a lot of spiders, so the method above returns an iterator.


Tags is a convenient way to mark specific jobs (for better search, postprocessing etc).

To mark all spider jobs with tag consumed:

>>> spider.jobs.update_tags(add=['consumed'])

To remove existing tag existing for all spider jobs:

>>> spider.jobs.update_tags(remove=['existing'])

Modifying tags is available on Spider/ Job levels.


Job instance provides access to a job data with the following fields:

  • metadata
  • items
  • logs
  • requests
  • samples

Request to cancel a job:

>>> job.cancel()

To delete a job:

>>> job.delete()

To mark a job with tag consumed:

>>> job.update_tags(add=['consumed'])


JobMeta details can be found in jobs metadata and it’s scrapystats:

>>> job.metadata.get('version')
>>> job.metadata.get('scrapystats')
'downloader/response_count': 104,
'downloader/response_status_count/200': 104,
'finish_reason': 'finished',
'finish_time': 1447160494937,
'item_scraped_count': 50,
'log_count/DEBUG': 157,
'log_count/INFO': 1365,
'log_count/WARNING': 3,
'memusage/max': 182988800,
'memusage/startup': 62439424,

Anything can be stored in metadata, here is example how to add tags:

>>> job.metadata.set('tags', ['obsolete'])


To retrieve all scraped items from a job use Items:

>>> for item in job.items.iter():
...     # do something with item (it's just a dict)


To retrieve all log entries from a job use Logs:

>>> for logitem in job.logs.iter():
...     # logitem is a dict with level, message, time
>>> logitem
  'level': 20,
  'message': '[scrapy.core.engine] Closing spider (finished)',
  'time': 1482233733976},


To retrieve all requests from a job there’s Requests:

>>> for reqitem in job.requests.iter():
...     # reqitem is a dict
>>> reqitem
  'duration': 354,
  'fp': '6d748741a927b10454c83ac285b002cd239964ea',
  'method': 'GET',
  'rs': 1270,
  'status': 200,
  'time': 1482233733870,
  'url': 'https://example.com'


Samples is useful to retrieve all samples for a job:

>>> for sample in job.samples.iter():
...     # sample is a list with a timestamp and data
>>> sample
[1482233732452, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]


Activity provides a convenient interface to project activity events.

To retrieve all activity events from a project:

>>> project.activity.iter()
<generator object jldecode at 0x1049ee990>

>>> project.activity.list()
[{'event': 'job:completed', 'job': '123/2/3', 'user': 'jobrunner'},
 {'event': 'job:cancelled', 'job': '123/2/3', 'user': 'john'}]

To post a new activity event:

>>> event = {'event': 'job:completed', 'job': '123/2/4', 'user': 'john'}
>>> project.activity.add(event)

Or post multiple events at once:

>>> events = [
...     {'event': 'job:completed', 'job': '123/2/5', 'user': 'john'},
...     {'event': 'job:cancelled', 'job': '123/2/6', 'user': 'john'},
... ]
>>> project.activity.add(events)


As an example, let’s store hash and timestamp pair for foo spider.

Usual workflow with Collections would be:

>>> collections = project.collections
>>> foo_store = collections.get_store('foo_store')
>>> foo_store.set({'_key': '002d050ee3ff6192dcbecc4e4b4457d7', 'value': '1447221694537'})
>>> foo_store.count()
>>> foo_store.get('002d050ee3ff6192dcbecc4e4b4457d7')
{u'value': u'1447221694537'}
>>> # iterate over _key & value pair
... list(foo_store.iter())
[{u'_key': u'002d050ee3ff6192dcbecc4e4b4457d7', u'value': u'1447221694537'}]
>>> # filter by multiple keys - only values for keys that exist will be returned
... list(foo_store.iter(key=['002d050ee3ff6192dcbecc4e4b4457d7', 'blah']))
[{u'_key': u'002d050ee3ff6192dcbecc4e4b4457d7', u'value': u'1447221694537'}]
>>> foo_store.delete('002d050ee3ff6192dcbecc4e4b4457d7')
>>> foo_store.count()

Collections are available on project level only.


Typical workflow with Frontiers:

>>> frontiers = project.frontiers

Get all frontiers from a project to iterate through it:

>>> frontiers.iter()
<list_iterator at 0x103c93630>

List all frontiers:

>>> frontiers.list()
['test', 'test1', 'test2']

Get a Frontier instance by name:

>>> frontier = frontiers.get('test')
>>> frontier
<scrapinghub.client.Frontier at 0x1048ae4a8>

Get an iterator to iterate through a frontier slots:

>>> frontier.iter()
<list_iterator at 0x1030736d8>

List all slots:

>>> frontier.list()
['example.com', 'example.com2']

Get a FrontierSlot by name:

>>> slot = frontier.get('example.com')
>>> slot
<scrapinghub.client.FrontierSlot at 0x1049d8978>

Add a request to the slot:

>>> slot.queue.add([{'fp': '/some/path.html'}])
>>> slot.flush()
>>> slot.newcount

newcount is defined per slot, but also available per frontier and globally:

>>> frontier.newcount
>>> frontiers.newcount

Add a fingerprint only to the slot:

>>> slot.fingerprints.add(['fp1', 'fp2'])
>>> slot.flush()

There are convenient shortcuts: f for fingerprints to access FrontierSlotFingerprints and q for queue to access FrontierSlotQueue.

Add requests with additional parameters:

>>> slot.q.add([{'fp': '/'}, {'fp': 'page1.html', 'p': 1, 'qdata': {'depth': 1}}])
>>> slot.flush()

To retrieve all requests for a given slot:

>>> reqs = slot.q.iter()

To retrieve all fingerprints for a given slot:

>>> fps = slot.f.iter()

To list all the requests use list() method (similar for fingerprints):

>>> fps = slot.q.list()

To delete a batch of requests:

>>> slot.q.delete('00013967d8af7b0001')

To delete the whole slot from the frontier:

>>> slot.delete()

Flush data of the given frontier:

>>> frontier.flush()

Flush data of all frontiers of a project:

>>> frontiers.flush()

Close batch writers of all frontiers of a project:

>>> frontiers.close()

Frontiers are available on project level only.


You can work with project settings via Settings.

To get a list of the project settings:

>>> project.settings.list()
[(u'default_job_units', 2), (u'job_runtime_limit', 24)]]

To get a project setting value by name:

>>> project.settings.get('job_runtime_limit')

To update a project setting value by name:

>>> project.settings.set('job_runtime_limit', 20)

Or update a few project settings at once:

>>> project.settings.update({'default_job_units': 1,
...                          'job_runtime_limit': 20})


exception scrapinghub.ScrapinghubAPIError(message=None, http_error=None)

Base exception class.

exception scrapinghub.BadRequest(message=None, http_error=None)

Usually raised in case of 400 response from API.

exception scrapinghub.Unauthorized(message=None, http_error=None)

Request lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.

exception scrapinghub.NotFound(message=None, http_error=None)

Entity doesn’t exist (e.g. spider or project).

exception scrapinghub.ValueTooLarge(message=None, http_error=None)

Value cannot be writtent because it exceeds size limits.

exception scrapinghub.DuplicateJobError(message=None, http_error=None)

Job for given spider with given arguments is already scheduled or running.

exception scrapinghub.ServerError(message=None, http_error=None)

Indicates some server error: something unexpected has happened.